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NEW Service Offering for In-Building Wireless!

The Next Wireless Frontier - Rising customer expectations of ubiquitous coverage and network quality, the emergence of WiFi / 2.5G connectivity devices and the need to push wireless data products is drawing the attention of wireless carriers to In-Building Wireless (IBW) systems, especially for business customers. The focus today is on private and public buildings including airports, convention centers, office buildings and corporate campuses. However, return on investment (ROI) considerations and multiple technical solutions available require a strategic and proactive approach.

InCode As Your Partner - Every wireless carrier has a different approach to IBW systems today. That's why inCode custom tailors our inReachSM solution to maximize your ROI and minimize your risk. InCode�s philosophy of bringing together business and technology meets the challenge of allocating scarce capital resources while developing a proactive strategy for IBW investments, no matter what your current IBW strategy.

What Does That Mean For You? - We will work with you to ensure each IBW investment makes sense, both from a fiscal and a network point-of-view prior to making the commitment. By doing so, we minimize the financial and technical risks for you while maximizing customer satisfaction and network usage.

Charting Unknown Waters

In-Building Wireless (IBW) the Next Frontier
The first IBW systems appeared more than decade ago but only today are many factors converging to make this the next frontier for wireless carriers. Today�s wireless customers demand ubiquitous wireless coverage and a high network quality. And carriers believe new wireless data services (GPRS, cdma1X and WiFi) will drive revenues and build customer loyalty. With cellular penetration over 50%, and even higher for business customers, the demand for wireless services is shifting from the outdoors to indoors. IBW systems address this growing mismatch between demand and capacity

InCode is your partner for developing and implementing an IBW strategy to meet this challenge. We firmly believe that every technology decision has to be viewed in a business context.

We help you answer many questions regarding IBW:

  • Do I need an IBW strategy? Why or why not?
  • How can I identify the most proper locations for IBW?
  • What is the required capital investment and what is the ROI?
  • Neutral or dedicated system?
  • What is the impact of wireless data for IBW? What should be the installed capacity?
  • What is the best system solution for a given building?
  • What vendors are providing such a solution?
  • How can I develop an IBW program while minimizing its impact on my operations?
  • Should I outsource the implementation?

Using Our Tools to be Proactive

You can use our proprietary tools, Zero-in (SM) and inMax (SM) to develop a market strategy for IBW and maximize your return on investment (ROI). inCode makes IBW investments viable by:

  • Prioritizing your IBW site opportunities (Zero-in SM)/li>
  • Helping you decide upon a business model for a targeted site
  • Minimizing capital expenditure and maximizing coverage through RF Optimization (inMax (SM))
  • Technology and vendor selection using business model selection and network capacity requirements
  • Optimizing IBW systems with macro-cellular network capacity availability and requirements

Our passionate professionals help you see the opportunities that exist, assess their value and support you in the implementation of your IBW program